Friday, June 14, 2013

It's a bloody mystery

I like a good mystery. I have read a few of Kathy Reichs' "Bones" novels and watched a few episodes of the TV show based on the same character  (Reichs is a producer and occasional writer). I prefer the books. I love them for their humour, characters and the Montreal settings--that don't figure in the TV version.
This one, Flash and Bones, is set entirely in the Charlotte, N.C. area, at the time of a big NASCAR race. NASCAR owns a corner of my heart, too; one of Neil's cousins was a successful driver (Earl Ross, only Canadian ever to win Rookie of the Year). And I have fond memories of the similar culture at the drag races in Grand Bend many Sundays in my teenage summers. It is a well-constructed mystery, gruesome in parts, as usual. I found it hard to put down.
(Cost $3.50: enjoyment, well worth it)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Time Travel and the Power of Love

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger -- what an excellent story!
As you see, I paid only $3.50 for it; I would have been willing to pay 10 times that!
The characters are full, the plot device intriguing, the sex scenes are realistic and inspiring, the longing and the married life are pitch-perfect.  It is sad, of course, but full of warmth and love and hope nonetheless.
It is a Very Good Book.
I think I'll watch the movie that was made of it, too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another Dan Brown?

Yes, another novel by Dan Brown: Inferno

Once again, it's Neil's pick from the supermarket book bins. I thought I wouldn't bother, but there it was, and once he put it down, I picked it up.
Another page-turner, with twists and turns in the plot, arcane knowledge, and fancy travel. This time, Florence, Venice and elsewhere (telling you would be a spoiler). There are very high-class, high-tech mercenaries, conspiracies, dangers, chases, and lots of doctors, including the head of the World Health Organization.
Dan Brown paints good word-pictures and keeps the plot from stagnating, even for a second! The characters in this one seem a little more realistic than others, but they are still very unusual people.
Go ahead, read some Dan Brown: you'll be entertained and you'll learn stuff!