Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another Dan Brown?

Yes, another novel by Dan Brown: Inferno

Once again, it's Neil's pick from the supermarket book bins. I thought I wouldn't bother, but there it was, and once he put it down, I picked it up.
Another page-turner, with twists and turns in the plot, arcane knowledge, and fancy travel. This time, Florence, Venice and elsewhere (telling you would be a spoiler). There are very high-class, high-tech mercenaries, conspiracies, dangers, chases, and lots of doctors, including the head of the World Health Organization.
Dan Brown paints good word-pictures and keeps the plot from stagnating, even for a second! The characters in this one seem a little more realistic than others, but they are still very unusual people.
Go ahead, read some Dan Brown: you'll be entertained and you'll learn stuff!

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